Making Iced Matcha Latte, at home

The heat of the sun is reaching us, and we would like to share one of our favourite ways to cool down with you:

Whisked Yamabuki matcha poured over iced milk



Of all of the matcha we carry, none are better suited to making as a latte than Yamabuki.

This matcha carries an intense flavour, whilst still maintaining an incredible softness: it is powerful, but without any bitterness or sharpness.


The taste of Yamabuki sits at the perfect midpoint between its seaweedy, umami qualities and its floral, sweet qualities.

Traditionally stone ground and well packaged for travel, this powder whisks into a silky, bright emerald froth with little effort. We prepare it with 80℃ water.

It is such a rich and luminous green colour, it's no wonder that it breathes clear, cooling energy into anyone who consumes it.


Once it is whisked into a smooth froth, pour the matcha into iced milk, or mylk, and enjoy watching the green, aerated liquid run through the pool of white...this cooling vision cannot be missed!



To finish all you have to do is stir it, and there you have it - one of our greatest and most uplifting pleasures at Cultivate, to enjoy at home on these warm days.