November 09, 2024
Tea & Wagashi with Saki Fukuda: Sun, November 17
Anyone who has made it to our previous wagashi events with our talented friend, Saki Fukuda, knows that Saki’s mochi and daifuku are simply – the best!

For only 2 days, on November 17 and December 1, Saki will be joining us at our shop for Tea & Wagashi pairing. This time we will offer these pairings without reservations, until we sell out.
For Sunday, November 17th Saki is preparing Persimmon Kaki Daifuku!

This special daifuku has Gyuhi mochi wrapped around a chocolate white bean paste with fresh persimmon. We will be pairing it with our refreshing roasted stem tea, Kaga Bocha.

We suggest coming early in the day to be sure you are able to try Saki’s seasonal wagashi. We’re looking forward to having her presence and skillful craftsmanship in the shop while we move deeper into the winter months together.

Date: Sunday Nov 17, 2024.
Time: 12 pm - Sell out. No reservations required, first come first serve.